A fuzzy logic C++ library
Namespaces | Defines | Functions
slifis.cpp File Reference

Implementation of class SLIFIS. More...

#include "slifis.hpp"
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include "global_functions.hpp"
#include "data_set.hpp"
#include "error_handler.hpp"
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "private.hpp"
+ Include dependency graph for slifis.cpp:


namespace  slifis

This namespace includes all root classes, functions, and datatypes of the library.


#define READ_ENUM_VAL(a, b)
 A local macro, maybe move it to private.hpp some day...


std::string slifis::g_current_bin_file_format ("bin_1.2")
 a global string used to define the current binary file format.
std::string slifis::g_current_xml_file_format ("xml_1.2")
 a global string used to define the current xml file format.

Detailed Description

Implementation of class SLIFIS.

Define Documentation

#define READ_ENUM_VAL (   a,
f.read( (char*)&Temp, sizeof(Temp) ); \
        STREAM_OK_TEST( f ); \
        b = static_cast<a>(Temp);

A local macro, maybe move it to private.hpp some day...

Referenced by slifis::INF_PARAMS::P_Read_bin().