A fuzzy logic C++ library
Classes | Namespaces | Defines
plot_fs.hpp File Reference
#include "plot_fuzzy.hpp"
+ Include dependency graph for plot_fs.hpp:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


class  slifis_plot::PLOT_FS
 Plot of a set of membership functions. More...


namespace  slifis_plot

This namespace includes both the set of interface functions to the backend graphical library and the plot classes, see Slifis Graphical API for plotting.


 Nb colors defined for plotting a set of mf function.

Define Documentation


Nb colors defined for plotting a set of mf function.

Referenced by slifis_plot::PLOT_FS::P_DrawPlot(), and slifis_plot::PLOT_FS::P_InitColorSet().